A short while ago I had the pleasure of taking on the above-mentioned restoration job, once we had discussed the remit with the customer work could begin to bring the model back to its former glory.
The first task was to prepare the hull for a total re-paint by removing all the original paint, this was then followed by skimming the hull with filler and sanding down to a smooth finish ready for applying the epoxy primer. Once the primer had dried fully the surface was then rubbed down ready for the topcoats of White and Black for the new paint scheme. With the hull no re-painted it was put to one side for a couple of weeks to fully harden prior to finishing.
I then moved onto the deck area, this required a few minor repairs prior to re-sealing to finish. The next stage was to make a new mast and boom and fit them out with all of the required fittings for fitting the sails and rigging at a later stage in the restoration. Now with the hull etc fully finished the new bespoke sails could be fitted out with all of the eyelets etc, these could now be refitted and re-rigged prior to final adjustments ensuring everything is correct. The final stage with the restoration was to fit the self-steering so the model could work as originally designed, this took a while to set up but, in the end, worked perfectly.
Overall this restoration proved very satisfying and will hopefully be back on the water soon.