Model Restoration Ship And Boat Projects

Bowman Steamboat

A short while ago I was asked to restore the Bowman steamboat called the Snipe, as can be seen in the photos this is certainly a great looking model boat. As with all restorations the first task was some photos followed by discussing the requirements of the restoration with the customer once the remit had been confirmed work could begin firstly by removing all that could be removed. I decided as with all restorations to begin with the paint job this included quite a few minor repairs to the hulls surfaces and also securely re-fixing the engines mounting bolts prior to prepping the surfaces. With the prep work done the new paint could be applied taking great care with regards to the water line etc, once the paintwork was finished the name could be re-applied as well as the number on the transom (supplied in house).

The next stage was to repaint the forward cowl cover and being made from metal this was stripped down before an etch primer was applied followed by the new colour, once this had been completed I could move onto giving all the metalwork a good polish to enhance the overall effect prior to reassembly of all the component parts earlier removed.

Overall this restoration proved to be very satisfying and as can be seen in the photos makes a stunning model.

At this point I must point out that the boiler on this model will have to be professionally tested of which the customer has been made fully aware prior to any use.