A short while ago I took on the job to finish off the above model, the model itself was very nicely built but sadly not quite finished, so the first thing to do was to study the plans and information supplied by the customer prior to getting started.
The first job was to very carefully mark out and make the three remaining sails, this task was handed over to my wife due to the intricate sewing required, so once the fiddly bit had been done, I could then carry out the task of carefully attaching the sails along with the relevant detailed rigging required thus completing this part of the job. With the new sails now added I could then move onto adding the finer detailed fixings which included Nav lights and mast light and quite a few other fine details on the deck area etc, I also added more details to the outer hull inc channel supports and lettering plus touching up the paint work.
With the model nearly complete the customer required some additional detailing so after studying some info supplied by the customer some nets and a few other things were also added enhancing the end result.
Overall this was an enjoyable job finishing off this fine model.