The latest restoration to arrive was a very interesting looking Chinese Junk in need of some TLC, the first job was to very carefully check over the entire model to confirm all the repairs that were required, once this had been established work could begin.
The first task was to carry out the repairs to a few areas of the deck and surrounding handrails etc by carefully replacing the damaged wood, once this had been done I could move onto re- fixing the deck fittings as well as the finer details on the boat before re-sealing all of the surfaces for future protection.
Now with the hull finished the main job with the restoration could begin being the replacement of all of the sails, as you can see in the photos these were very detailed so were left in the capable hands of my wife. Using the original sails as templates she was able to reproduce them in every detail so as to enhance the end result. After a couple of weeks the sails could now be re-attached as well as the new rigging thus completing this particular restoration.
Overall this was a very rewarding restoration of this stunning model.