A few months ago, I took delivery of a version of the Golden Hind for restoration, as you can see from the photos it was in need of some TLC. Once I had completed the assessment work could begin by firstly removing all the damaged parts whilst making notes as to what will need to be replaced this was then followed by giving the model a good cleaning taking care to preserve the deck finish etc.
The next stage was then to repair the rigging throughout the ship prior to very carefully re-painting the sail designs, once this process had been completed, I then re-sealed them in order to protect the end result. Now the sails had been preserved I could move onto the hull itself this would involve touching up the paint work etc before re-sealing to protect the paint, the final stage involved cleaning up the stand and varnishing along with the name plate.
Overall, this was an interesting restoration to work on which offered up a few challenges along the way.