A short while ago I took delivery of the above mentioned model that was in need of some TLC, this particular model although small in size still demanded a fair amount of work in order to bring it back to its former glory. The first task was to take a series of photos in its present state for reference during the restoration process; once I had the remit from the customer work could begin. The first job was to remove the remaining sails that would have to be replaced later in the restoration this was followed by removing any other damaged fittings in order to make some new ones. With the basics now completed the next task was the deep clean of the entire model which although small still proved to be quite challenging.
Once the cleaning had been completed the original and new deck fittings etc. could be replaced and then the whole model down to the water line was then varnished to protect the finish now that it had been cleaned. I could then move onto re-fixing the masts securely checking alignment once they were back in place, this now left me with the hull and masts finished so I could then move onto re-painting the hull using (Admiralty Paints) Once the hull had been prepared I then applied 3 / 4 coats of the (Admiralty Paints) until a perfect finish had been achieved.
Now the hull and masts had been finished the next task was to replace the existing sails with new ones as well as making extra ones to replace those that were missing from the model when it arrived, this was achieved by using a Calico material that was then stiffened for shaping later using watered down PVA water proof glue, the only sail left until later was the Mainsail which had to have some hand painted art work added on first. Once the sails were ready they could then be very carefully re-attached to their appropriate yards using (Caldercraft Rigging Thread) which in itself proved quite fiddly although worth it in the end for that realistic look.
Now with the sails all back in place the final job was to re-rigg the entire model again using (Caldercraft Rigging thread) this is where the photos taken earlier proved very useful as well as adding extra new rigging in order to enhance the end result. So with all the work now complete the final task as usual would be to check over the entire model to make sure everything was just right.
Overall this restoration proved to be very satisfying and is now back with its owners to be enjoyed for years to come.