Looking for someone to construct a Trumpeter 1:350 model of a WW-2 German destroyer I located Steve’s website and after contacting him with my requirements he was happy to agree to take the project on. While the model had all its parts I asked if he would be able to place it in a seascape and to use some aftermarket products which included changing all the plastic gun barrels for brass ones – items that are ridiculously fiddly especially when they are 1:350 scale of a 20mm barrel! But Steve proved he was up to the challenge and last week I picked up the finished project and was thrilled with the result.
All the aftermarket items (barrels, wooden bridge deck & anchor cables) were there, with the anchor cables being a definite improvement over the rather flat looking moulded ones that the model originally had. The seascape has the look of a rough sailing in northern waters which is where Z-30 operated in WW-2 and the whole lot was presented on a nicely varnished wooden surround which looks great when it is sitting in its display case along with photos of the actual ship and its officers providing a backdrop.
Steve has done an outstanding job on the whole project, using his skill and time to produce a fantastically crafted model. A great job well done.