A few weeks ago, I took delivery of a couple of interesting models for restoration, the first one was a Bowman yacht and the second one was a clockwork Thames cruiser both in need of some TLC.
The first model the Bowman yacht the hull had come completely apart so this would be the first task to repair the major damage to the hull and prepare for re-painting in original colours, once this had been done I moved onto repairing the deck area whilst taking great care to preserve the original logo at the stern. With the hull repairs now complete I could move onto making a new mast and rear boom as well as new sails, these were then fitted back onto the model along with new brass fittings to enhance the end result.
The model was now finished and ready to be enjoyed for years to come.
Thames cruiser
This model was also in need of some TLC, the main issue being the misshaped roof on the main cabin.
The only way to fix the cabin roof was to fix it into place and then gently heat it up and then gradually let it cool off and this seemed to do the trick, the tape was then removed and the issue had been resolved. I could then move onto replacing a few missing fittings and making a new removable roof mast, I also painted the prop brass.
The next task was to very carefully remove the clockwork motor and give it a good clean and testing before refitting it back into the cleaned hull inside, this was then tested again to make sure everything functioned correctly. With all the repairs completed the final task was to give the outside of the hull a good T-cut a polish thus enhancing the finished model.
Overall these were very interesting restorations.